This is a copyrighted Valentine's Day scene I wrote in 2022 for Projex & Lo.
It's a continuation of the scene from Christmas in the Projexs.
Valentine’s Day
From the day they met, Loriana never knew what to expect from Projex. His insolent way with words and outlandish behavior should’ve been a turn-off. Alternately, they intrigued and made Loriana fall in love. Deeply, beyond what the world or anyone else could see. She was downright submerged in his love.
After giving birth to their son, she loved him even more. Watching him with Bronx really made her want to make due on the drunken agreement she’d made with him last Valentine’s Day. Had she not still been recovering from her c-section, Loriana was one hundred percent sure Bronx would have had a sibling on the way.
“I don’t want to leave you,” Loriana whined, snuggling her face in the crook of Bronx’s neck before kissing his cheeks.
“We can bring him with us,” Projex suggested. Seeing the sad expression on her face made him cave every time. It was that bottom lip that did it for him.
Loriana inhaled her baby and told herself not to cry. She’d always been emotional, but having a baby triggered her hormones something crazy. The thought of being away from him for even a small period of time had her panicking.
“No,” she finally said. “I’ll have to get used to this. Your mama probably gon’ block me from checking in so much.” She chuckled when she said it but was dead serious.
Joseline was downstairs with their midwife Mrs. Deborah. Though skeptical at first when gifting her a year's worth of services from a midwife of her choice, Projex was more than grateful for Mrs. Deborah. The older woman in her mid-forties was heaven-sent and loved Bronx as if he were her own. The way she took care of Loriana was the icing on the cake. It took some adjusting, but now he was looking to hire her past the initially planned duration.
Projex kissed her cheek. “And we gon’ call her private if she do.”
That got a smile out of her and settled her nerves some. Projex got it, though. When he went back to work for the first time after Bronx was born, his session went horrible until he called and talked to them. After that, it was up. He never knew having a child would make him more in tune with his emotions.
“Your bag ready?” He asked.
“Yeah. You didn’t tell me where we were going, so I hope what I have is okay.”
Projex grabbed her pink Glam-Aholic duffle from off the bed. He’d just gifted it to her that morning, and she was putting it to use already. Admiring her thicker frame in the black wrap dress, Projex licked his lips. Her new hairstyle, long lashes, and subtle makeup had him ready to show his wife off. Fine was an understatement.
The Instagram post he made exclaiming his love was just a glimpse of how he really felt for her. It was never his intention to post her to boast or brag, but why not? Projex wanted to let mothafuckas know that Loriana was the prize.
His life.
His wife.
There wasn’t a woman alive that could make him stray from her and their home.
“If it ain’t, we can shop when we land,” he told her.
“Oh, we were going to do that anyway,” Loriana chuckled.
Being on maternity leave from work and having nothing but time on her hands, Loriana had surprisingly turned into a shopaholic. Most of everything she bought was for Bronx, but she splurged on herself as well. She hadn’t reached the point of not checking the price tag yet, because some shit was just high for no reason, but she could now comfortably shop without worry. Projex, on the other hand, didn’t care. He bought whatever, whenever, for them both.
After changing Bronx and getting some cuddles in with him, Loriana finally made her way downstairs. At the sound of Joseline’s voice, Bronx’s eyes wandered about in search of her. It was amazing to Loriana and Projex how quickly he was developing. He was 8 weeks now and, after being born early, was thriving like they knew he would. Projex hadn’t given him Prosper as a middle name for nothing. Baby boy was destined to be great.
“There’s Mimi’s stinka man,” Joseline cooed, reaching out to grab him.
Loriana held him tighter. “You’re going to have him for three days.”
“Girl,” Joseline chuckled. “Give me my grandbaby. Done had him hiding upstairs all this time knowing I was waiting to see him.”
Playfully, Loriana rolled her eyes before handing him over. Bronx’s little smile made their hearts melt.
“I was not,” Loriana pouted.
Projex came into the room with gift bags and flowers. “Happy Valentine’s Day, mama. You too, Mrs. Deborah. I got y’all a lil’ something.”
Mrs. Deborah smiled and gave him a hug. “That’s so sweet of you. Thank you, Bryshon.”
Projex gave her a humbled grin. “You’re welcome.”
“Thanks, son. Y’all lucky I love y’all and Bronx. I could’ve had me a little date tonight,” Joseline said, making Loriana snicker and Projex frown.
“With who?” He wanted to know.
“Tell your daddy to mind his business,” Joseline told Bronx, who glanced Projex’s way.
The long yawn he let out made Projex smile. “Nah. He knows better. He gon’ tell me what you be on while we gone. Him and Hemi; they a team.”
Projex knew once Bronx was up and crawling around that he and Hemi would be in all kinds of shit. Like Loriana, Hemi was overprotective when it came to Bronx and loved the little boy.
Joseline waved him off. “Mhm. Whatever. Y’all have fun and enjoy y’all self.”
“We will,” Loriana said before kissing Bronx. Projex did the same before they headed out the door.
Mrs. Deborah stuck around to chat with Joseline and tidy up a bit. It was her maternal instinct to do so, and they appreciated it more than she knew. It was later in the evening, so Loriana was surprised to see Sneaks as their driver for the night. Their private flight didn’t leave for another three hours.
“Hey, Sneaks,” Loriana greeted, giving him a hug. “No Valentine this year?”
He smirked, knowing she was being messy or nosy. “Nah. Maybe next year.”
“What’s good, bruh,” Projex said as they slapped hands. “Preciate you for coming through for us.”
“Always,” was Sneaks reply.
When Projex opened the back passenger door for Loriana, she was bombarded with a truck full of balloons. Laughing, she turned his way.
“This is so cute,” she grinned, pulling them out. She kept a few while tying the others together for Sneaks to run inside the house for her. They wouldn’t have had anywhere to sit otherwise; that’s how many there were.
Once inside and on their way to a destination Loriana had no clue of, Projex told Sneaks to turn the radio up some.
“Why’re we listening to the radio?” Loriana asked like only her inquisitive self could. She wanted to talk and pick his brain.
“It’s something I’m trying to hear, ma.”
Right at the time Projex was told he’d be on the air, Kent’s voice came through the truck's speakers. Having connections with both of the radio hosts at BLAKC had its perks.
“To my fellas out there, today is a special day for the women in our lives. Not just your woman, but mothers, daughters, sisters, grandmothers, aunties. You get where I’m going here,” he chuckled, making Kapri, the other host laugh.
“Yes, they do,” she chimed.
“As for your woman, though, you gotta do it big. I don’t know if anyone is topping this, but fellas, the bar is high. We got an exclusive new single from the super talented Laurent featuring Misa about to drop in a few. The track was written and produced by none other than Projex himself. He wanted to dedicate this song to his wife, Loriana on today. Women do not settle. There’s a man out there who will gladly write a song and dedicate it to you.”
Loriana had tears in her eyes that disobeyed her from staying put. They slipped down her cheeks to no avail as Projex grabbed her hand.
“Bae,” she whined with a sniffle. “This the song you been working on?”
Projex nodded. “Yeah. I wanted it to be perfect for you, ma.”
Lovingly, she kissed his lips, wishing Sneaks wasn’t in the truck with them. She wanted to place those lips around his dick and really show him her appreciation. Whenever she thought Projex had done the most, he proved to her that that wasn’t enough. Above and beyond, that was where he was always going to take it for her.
“You’re hearing it here first, ladies and gentlemen. The new single, More of You, from Laurent and Misa. Happy Valentine’s Day, Mrs. Emery. I hope you love the song just as much as we do,” Kapri said with a smile on her face. She absolutely adored the couple.
As the beat came through the speaker, Loriana knew this one would be her favorite. Laurent effortlessly sang about the lengths he’d go to make his woman smile, the love they shared, and the life they created. Knowing the lyrics had come straight from Projex’s composition notebook made Loriana’s heart swell. Her man loved her ass to death.
Misa’s soulful yet syrupy tone came through, and Loriana made a reminder to text her. Though written by a man, Misa sang the words in a way that made you feel them in your core. Made you want to sing your heart out before handing it over to your lover. She sang about a woman offering more of herself to her man. Willingly and with pleasure, Loriana was with every lyric she poured out.
Already mastering the chorus somewhat, Loriana began to sing to him. “More of you. I want to give my all to you.”
Projex grinned as she hovered in his face. “I’ma let you slide with that singing shit ‘cause it’s yo’ day.”
No doubt he loved her, but the singing he could do without. Some days he wanted to kindly tell her to please shut the fuck up.
Loriana cracked up. “Yeah, yeah. I love you so much, Bryshon. Every time I think you’ve shown me how deep your love is for me, you prove me wrong.”
He gripped her face gently, making her insides quiver. “And I’ma keep proving you wrong, ma.”
Kissing her lips, they tongue kissed until Loriana tried to stick her hand inside his pants and climb on his lap. Chuckling against her lips, Projex pulled back some.
“We got company, ma. I’ma give you this dick soon as we touch down.”
“Our next ride needs to have a partition. I’m trying to be on my Beyoncé, and I don’t need Sneaks seeing L-Boogie on her knees,” she sang, making Projex crack up and make eye contact with Sneaks in the rearview.
“You so goofy, man,” Projex laughed as she pouted.
He and Sneaks shook their heads and grinned. One thing Loriana was going to do was be herself. Sneaks had been around them plenty to know how the two behaved when with one another, so it was nothing to him. He loved seeing his boy happily married and in love. Projex had come a long way from knocking hoes down in his mama’s house before sending them on their way.
As they pulled up to the location where their trip was set to start, Loriana’s eyes widened. Her head swiveled Projex’s way as her eyes blinked rapidly. She was sure her lashes would be missing by the end of the night. She’d never flown on a helicopter before but leave it up to Projex to make that happen.
“What did I do to deserve you?” she asked in a shaky voice.
Projex was thinking the same about her. Whether small or big, Loriana always showed her gratitude and went just as hard for him. Their love had never been one-sided.
“You be yourself, ma. That’s it,” Projex let her know before kissing her lips again. “Stop crying, cry baby. We still got the rest of the night.”
Patting her cheeks, Loriana nodded, and he hopped out to open her door. One careful six-inch foot heel after the other was placed on the concrete. Rose petals were formed to make a runway that led to people, she assumed worked for the aircraft, holding tons of gifts. Her favorite was the giant teddy bear made out of roses. Not red ones, but orange, her favorite color. It sat beautifully in a plastic box with a bow on top.
A cameraman was there to record her reactions, and the smile on her face was the reason why Projex would never half step when it came to her. Loriana didn’t know what she would do with all those flowers, but that didn’t matter right now. She had a man who was willing to do whatever to make her smile, and that right there was the big flex.
She turned to him with her phone out recording and laughed because he was recording her too. “Look at him y’all. Just grinning. Thank you so much, baby,” she cooed.
“You welcome, ma,” Projex replied coolly.
“Good evening, Mr. and Mrs. Emery. Welcome to Divenchy Transports. Here’s a complimentary bottle of wine from the owner, Ms. Monroe herself,” the man said with a smile.
Loriana easily recognized the black bottle with the pink label. Dom Pérignon Rosé had become her favorite.
“Thank you so much,” Loriana told him before facing Projex. “Where am I going to put all these bags?”
“Sneaks gon’ take em’ to the house. We doing the helicopter tour through the city, then catching our flight to Florida.”
Her eyes lit up. “You remembered.”
He always did. Loriana was so over the cold and had mentioned wanting to go somewhere sunny with a resort so she could just relax and get a tan. She always got so pale during the winter. She’d randomly told him that a few weeks after having Bronx and Projex hit Kierra, his assistant up, and she was on it right away. The swim-out, beachfront villa was the perfect vacation.
After thanking the staff and Sneaks, who snapped them up some pictures, the couple settled onto the helicopter. The pilot gave them instructions, safety protocol, and an overview of where they’d be flying and landing. Loriana loved that they had a Black woman pilot and couldn’t wait to brag on her. The owner, Monroe Divenchy, was Black as well and made sure to employ people who looked like her.
Loriana adjusted her headphones and squeezed Projex’s hand. “I’m nervous.”
“You ain’t scared of heights,” he told her.
“No, but this is different. You did this before?”
Projex nodded. “Yeah, once.”
“Were you scared?”
He wanted to lie to her but kept it a buck. “Hell yeah,” he said, making them laugh. “It was cool, though. Some shit I wanted you to experience.”
Loriana leaned his way for a kiss. “I’m glad it’s with you.”
He seemed to make every experience better. As they ascended, Loriana clung to his arm, trying to regulate her breathing. Flying in an airplane was one thing, but to be in a small helicopter in the middle of winter had her damn near panicking.
To ease her nerves, Projex snuck his hand up her exposed thigh. Caressing it, he spoke soothingly in her ear, forcing her to exhale and relax. To take in the breathtaking views and bright city skyline. He could feel the heat from her pussy and wanted to play in her wetness to rid her mind of being up so high, but he hadn’t washed his hands. He’d touched too many things and shook too many hands to place them on her kitty. He didn’t mind rubbing his fingers across the lace material of her thong, though.
“Relax, ma. We up this high, with this view and you ain’t gon’ enjoy it?” He asked, applying pressure to her clit.
Her grip tightened on his arm. “I-I am.”
Loriana’s reply was choppy, and her eyes were fluttering. Projex knew her body better than she did. When the pilot announced that they were approaching one of their customer's favorite landmarks, Loriana pulled the camera app back up on her phone. She’d locked it the second Projex started massaging her thigh.
“To our left is the tallest building in the city. It’s a beauty at night, especially while lit up,” the pilot said through their headphones.
Just as she came, Loriana tried focusing her eyes on the rooftop of the building. Surely, her eyes weren’t playing tricks on her. Happy Valentine’s Day L-Boogie 💙 was spelled out with marquee letters, lit up the entire roof of the building.
“Oh, my gosh! Bae!” Loriana gushed, snapping pictures. “How’d you get that up there?”
“Connections, ma,” he grinned, removing his hand from between her thighs.
Projex was connected and well respected in the city. He knew who to call to make shit happen, and for Loriana it was whatever his baby wanted. Loriana felt like she was in a dream. The type of fairytale she never heard anyone discuss. Her husband wasn’t like any of these niggas out here.
Projex was made for her.
God created him for Loriana to love on, live out her wildest dreams with, raise children alongside, grow with, and show the world what two kids from the hood of KC love was all about.
“Happy Valentine’s Day, ma. I can’t wait to spend the rest of our lives making you smile. You got my dick hard as hell.”
Loriana giggled and kissed his lips. “I love you more, baby. Thank you for everything. You might get that second baby up out of me tonight.”
“Shit,” Projex chuckled. “I was doing that anyway.”