Forever In The Moment Bonus Epilogue

Forever In The Moment Bonus Epilogue

This is a 7900+ word bonus scene for Heat of the Moment and Here With You Forever.

Sovanna & Zahir


“What do you have planned for the weekend?” Ray, Sovanna’s dad, asked.

Their relationship had gotten so much better since Sovanna spoke up about how he’d treated her over the years. Ray had apologized, and though it’d been enough at the time for Sovanna to accept, she was grateful he hadn’t just apologized but changed his behavior as well.

“Nothing much. Just relaxing. I think a few of Zahir’s siblings are coming by to go swimming and stuff. But that’s it,” Sovanna answered.

“That sounds like a good time. You really like this guy, huh?” Ray teased.

Sovanna smiled. “I do.”

She more than liked Zahir. Sovanna loved that man down. They’d been together for a good year and some change now, and Zahir hadn’t stopped applying pressure since the day she approached him.

“I can tell. As long as he keeps you smiling, he’s all right with me.”

Ray didn’t have to worry about her happiness at all. Zahir had covered all the bases.

“Glad to know he got your approval,” Sovanna chuckled, pulling into Zahir’s driveway, opening the garage, and pulling in. “I just made it to his house, so I’ll call you later.”

“Okay. Love you,” Ray said.

“Love you too.”

Hanging up, Sovanna shut the garage and gathered her things. She was at his house more than she was at her own home. Talks of them moving in together had come up in the past, but Sovanna wasn’t ready to make that leap yet. Being in a relationship with a man and living with one were two totally different things, and she wasn’t trying to rush into that. Zahir made his house a comforting, safe space that Sovanna enjoyed coming to after a stressful day at work. But she still enjoyed her space as well.

Stepping inside the house, Sovanna placed her purse and bag down while slipping her heels off, replacing them with house shoes. Knowing that Zahir wouldn’t be home for another few hours, she thought about cooking but quickly changed her mind. It was Friday, and all she wanted to do was relax. Before she could make her way to the fridge for a bottle of water, the beautifully decorated display on the island stopped her in her tracks.

A bouquet of what looked to be over two dozen roses, a familiar jewelry box, and an envelope with Baby Doll written on the front greeted her. Smiling, Sovanna inhaled the sweet scent of the roses before opening the jewelry box. The natural white-gold Riviera tennis necklace caught her off guard with its beauty.

“Oh, my gosh,” Sovanna gushed, running her finger over the diamonds.

Zahir hadn’t stopped icing her out and never would. She admired it for a moment more before picking up the envelope. Popping the seal, she pulled out a single-sided card and a hotel keycard. Smirking, she read what the card said aloud.

“May I have a moment of your time, baby doll? In two hours, a driver with Echelon Express car service will be there to pick you up and bring you to me. Wear the necklace and the little black dress laid out in our bedroom. Don’t forget the keycard. I can’t wait to see you, baby. Love your man.”

Sovanna’s smile was a mile wide as she picked up the keycard. Eyeing the small envelope it was in, she couldn’t help but wonder what Zahir had up his sleeve. Whatever it was, Sovanna was all for it. She made it to the bedroom with her new necklace in her hand. The black bag hanging from the closet door caught her attention.

Zahir always went the extra mile to see her smile; tonight was no exception. Unzipping the bag, Sovanna squinted her eyes. She was expecting a longer dress, considering the bag it was in, but she was mistaken. The short, black, silk, backless halter dress with a high slit left nothing to the imagination. It as hell and risky, but Sovanna loved that. Zahir did too and knew she’d look damn good in it. The black square-toe stilettos that wrapped around her ankles were the perfect addition.

“This man,” she murmured, shaking her head with a grin.

Knowing that she’d take the entire two hours to get ready, Sovanna headed to the bathroom. She curled and pinned her hair, wanting to go for a flirty up-do with some tendrils hanging. After wrapping her hair in two scarves, a bonnet, and then the shower cap, she walked inside the shower. Leaving her body damp after she emerged, she oiled it down and airdried while doing her makeup.

Tapping the screen of her phone where music was playing on the counter, she sighed with relief, seeing that she had about thirty minutes until the driver arrived. Slipping into the dress, Sovanna loved how the silky material felt gliding against her skin. The hem stopped at the top of her thighs and dipped dangerously low in the back. She twirled around in the mirror after tying the strings and smiled. It hugged her in all the right places. Thankfully, her handful of breasts gave her the privilege of not having to wear a bra.

After putting on her lipstick and a clear gloss, she spritzed with one of Zahir’s favorite perfumes she wore, grabbed a clutch for the evening and her shoes before heading downstairs. Peeking out the window, she spotted a black-on-black Denali waiting in the driveway. After clasping her necklace on, she slid into her heels. Her phone vibrated with a text as she placed the hotel card and ID in her clutch.

Zahir: I know you look so good.

Sovanna blushed. He hadn’t laid eyes on her yet but didn’t need to. Zahir knew how his baby gave it up. With a few minutes to spare, Sovanna snapped a few pictures and some selfies in the mirror. She set the alarm through her phone and headed out the front door. The driver, a burly Black man in a black suit, bald head, and thick beard, greeted her with a smile.

“Good evening, Ms. Bennett,” he said. “My name is Ron, and I’ll be your driver for the night.”

Sovanna smiled. “Hi, Ron. It’s nice to meet you.”

Ron opened the back passenger door and helped her inside. After ensuring she was secure, he rounded the front and hopped in the driver’s seat. A bottle of Divine was chilling in a bucket of ice while a single flute rested beside it. Indulging, Sovanna poured her a glass. Zahir knew how to make a statement, and she wasn’t mad at it. She wasn’t sure where Ron was taking her, but the drive was about twenty minutes.

Glancing out the heavily tinted window, she noticed they were at a club. The line was long, a balanced mix of women and men. Ron pulled up to the valet.

“Let me know when you’re ready to get out,” he said, glancing in his rearview.

Sovanna nodded and drank the remainder of her wine. “I’m ready.”

Ron walked around to her side and opened the door, respectfully helping her out. He greeted the valet with a head nod and bid Sovanna a fair well.

“Have a great night,” Ron said before hopping back inside the SUV and pulling off.

Sovanna eyed the line but was quickly escorted inside. Apparently, she was the only one out of the loop regarding what Zahir had planned. It was live inside with people on the dance floor, occupying booths and tables, and a nice amount of people surrounding the bar. The low hum of the club’s bass filled her chest as she walked through, taking everything in. A wave of déjà vu hit her.

Memories from the night they met played in her mind, and she smiled. Tonight, the energy was different from the club in Houston. The lights were dimmer, the music smoother, and the crowd a bit older. Sovanna wondered why he had her meet him here of all places. She didn’t have to for long, though. She stood at one of the bars, people watching when Zahir came into view. He strolled to her with the same confidence from the night they met. As if he knew her intentions for a one-night stand wouldn’t last.

Dressed in black denim jeans and a cream and black Dior silk button-down with a few unbuttoned at the top, Zahir matched Sovanna’s fly. Only his jewelry was gold. Sovanna rubbed her lips together as his musky, powdery scent enveloped her. The smile on his face let her know he loved what he saw.

“Damn, baby doll,” he said when he was close to her. Eliminating the space between them, his hands found her waist as he pulled her close. “You trying to make me lose my mind in here tonight?”

Sovanna smirked, melting into his embrace. She trembled when his warm hands trailed down her back.

“Maybe. I was just following instructions. You picked out this dress, remember,” she teased.

Zahir stepped back and drank her in. “Yeah... and you’re wearing the hell out of it.” His voice was low, lusty, and damn sure appreciative. He leaned in and kissed her neck before whispering. “You look so damn good.”

Sovanna’s eyes fluttered. “Thank you.”

Zahir lifted his head and thumbed her new necklace. “I can’t wait to see you in nothing but these diamonds later.”

“Already plotting on me,” Sovanna chuckled. “Who said I’d be leaving here with you, sir?”

“Shit,” he chuckled. “I’m leaving here with something.”

Laughing, Sovanna tossed a hand over her face. “You’re so silly. I wasn’t expecting my Friday night to start like this. We’ve been talking all day, and you didn’t say anything.”

“What’d be the fun in that?” Zahir asked.

Before she could respond, a server appeared with two flutes of Champagne. Zahir grabbed them both and handed Sovanna one.

“We’re toasting?” She questioned.

“We can.”

Sovanna pondered for a bit. She didn’t know what they were toasting to but hoped for a good night, which was enough.

“Here’s to a night we won’t forget,” she said, and they clinked glasses.

Zahir stepped closer and kissed her lips. “And to you.”

“Me?” Sovanna asked. “What’d I do?”

She looked so confused and Zahir couldn’t help but chuckle. “Let’s go up to the second level.”

Sovanna glanced toward the glass staircase and nodded. Zahir took her hand in his, leading them through the crowd with ease. A worker with a headset in his ear stopped him on the way, and Sovanna’s brows dipped. She couldn’t hear what he said, but Zahir gave him a head nod and proceeded to lead her up the steps, placing her in front of him.

He led her to a glass railing, giving her a lovely overview of almost the entire club. Zahir stood behind her, clasping hands around her waist. Sovanna looked over her shoulder.

“This is what you wanted to toast to?”

Zahir smirked. “Yeah. To you being a silent partner of this club.”

Her eyes widened as she turned around. “What? How did that happen?”

Sovanna was so caught off guard by his nonchalant reply that tons of questions filled her brain.

“I own a percentage, and so do you. That’s if you want to,” Zahir said.

“Of course I do. What do I have to do?”

He chuckled. “Nothing at all. Sign a few documents, but other than that, just collect the money that comes through here.”

“But... I’m a little confused,” she chuckled lowly. “Why’d you make me a silent partner? We’re not married or anything.”

“We have to be married for me to make sure residual income laces your pockets?” Zahir questioned, curious and almost offended by her words.

Sovanna gulped. That dominant, calm personality of his was what won her over to begin with. Zahir didn’t need additional labels on their relationship to ensure she was financially straight. He’d change that, though, if that’s what Sovanna wanted. Zahir would be honored to become her husband.

“No,” she answered, rubbing a hand up his chest. “I was just wondering why me, of all people?”

“Why not you? You’re my woman. We can’t get money together?” Zahir teased, making Sovanna smirk.

“We can. Thank you, baby,” she said, kissing his lips.

“You’re welcome. It’s nothing.”

Zahir wasn’t speaking arrogantly. Setting it up to where his woman would be good no matter what, was nothing to him. He hadn’t done it because she needed the money but because Zahir was grateful for her presence in his life. Sovanna had impacted it so positively from day one, making him want to be an even better man, and he felt it was only right to continue doing the same in hers. Plus, the club setting was kind of their thing. It was a little inside joke shared between them, so Zahir thought it was fitting, if not anything else.

“Do I get an office?” Sovanna asked.

“What you gon’ do with an office, baby doll?” Zahir asked, laughing.

She licked her lips and pressed up against him. “You and I both know exactly what I can do in an office.”

Discreetly, Sovanna ran her hand along the evident bulge in his jeans. She looked him straight in the eyes as he bit into his bottom lip and pulled her closer to him. Zahir let her feel him up for a few seconds more before taking hold of her hand.

“Come on,” he said, pulling her away from the glass wall railing.

Zahir wasn’t worried about anyone seeing his obvious erection. The club was dark, and their attention shouldn’t have been on him. Walking down a hallway, they came to a door that Zahir unlocked with a key fob before doing the same with the elevator inside the nice sized space. Sovanna was sure he was leading her to his office but was surprised when they exited the elevator to the rooftop that had been decorated specifically for their date night.

It wasn’t occupied with guests at the moment, but the plush booth seats, high-top tables, and bar let Sovanna know it’d be the perfect spot to hang out during the day. Sovanna swiveled her head in his direction once she spotted a table set for two in the corner. Zahir only smiled as they continued their walk. String lights hung in the air, illuminating the area, while glass jars with lit candles were placed strategically on the concrete. Roses similar to the ones he’d given her at home lined the balcony. A table draped with a white cloth had a chilled bottle of Divine sitting atop it while slow jams played from the surround system.

“Baby,” Sovanna cooed, taking in the view. “This is beautiful.”

They were higher up than she thought, and the view of the city lights and other buildings was breathtaking. The weather was perfect, too, with just the right amount of breeze but not too windy or muggy.

“You like it?” Zahir asked, admiring the view of her. He pulled his phone out to snap a picture. When she turned his way, giving him a big smile, he couldn’t help but do the same.

“I love it,” Sovanna replied, walking toward him. “And I love you, too, Mr. Holiday.”

Zahir wrapped an arm around her waist. “I love you more, baby doll. Can I feed you now? I know you haven’t eaten in some hours.”

Zahir hired a chef for their dinner, but the look in her eyes let him know she had everything but food on her mind. When Sovanna shook her head no, he smirked.

“You’re not hungry?” he asked.

“For you, yes.”

Gently, she pushed him backward until he was sitting on one of the plush sectionals. Zahir chuckled when she climbed into his lap.

“Hold up, baby,” he said. “We on the rooftop.”

“Don’t tell me you’re scared to fuck me in public now. Is that who you’ve become?” She teased.

The flashback of him threatening to bust her ass down right in his mama’s driveway flashed through Sovanna’s mind. They hadn’t been in a relationship then, but Zahir was ready to risk it all to slide up in her. Mama’s crib or not, he needed to feel and fill her.

“You testing me like I won’t have you up her screaming,” he replied, cocking his head to the side.

Sovanna blushed. That’s exactly what she wanted him to do. The food could wait. Leaning forward, she kissed his neck and grinded on his lap.

“You know I love a challenge,” Sovanna whispered in his ear.

Opening the texts on his phone, Zahir sent the chef a message letting her know he’d call when he was ready for the food to be brought out. She was the only one who had access to the roof at the moment, so Zahir had no problem fulfilling Sovanna’s desires. His hands massaged her ass cheeks as they tongue kissed. Before they could go any further, Sovanna stood and grabbed a chair from the table.

“What you need that for?” Zahir asked as she fumbled with his belt.

He lowered his jeans and briefs just enough to pull his dick out. Sovanna licked her lips. As badly as she wanted to slide him in her mouth, she wanted to feel him stroking her walls more. Zahir stroked his length, getting even more turned on as she winded her hips to Too Deep by Dvsn that played over the speakers. She stood between his legs, letting Zahir cuff her breasts and tweak her stiff nipples. He pulled the string to her halter, and Sovanna gasped when the cool air hit her skin.

“What you covering up for? It’s just me and you up here. Let me see them titties,” Zahir commanded gruffly.

Sovanna dropped her hand, and his mouth replaced where it’d been. Gingerly, he sucked on a nipple while she humped his thigh she hadn’t realized she squatted on. Stroking his dick herself, Sovanna moaned when he bit her nipple and spanked her ass. Lifting her, Zahir turned her around so that she was straddling his thighs backward. Using his foot, he pulled the chair toward them.

“Lean up and grip the chair, baby doll,” he instructed.

Doing as she was told, Sovanna leaned forward, making the fabric of her dress inch upward. His fingers toyed with her clit, bringing it to life. The massaging of her ass cheeks paused, and she smirked. She already knew what he was looking at. Zahir ran his thumb over his name, spelled in diamonds on her black thong.

“You did this for me?” He asked.

Sovanna glanced over her shoulder and nodded. “Yes. You like it?”

Zahir spread her ass cheeks as she made them bounce. “Hell yeah.”

Sliding his finger underneath the string, he held it up while gliding the tip of his dick up her wet lips and tight asshole. Sovanna rocked back and forth until she sank onto him. A moan got caught in her throat as she adjusted, like always, to his girth.

“Mmmmm,” she moaned, riding him slowly. Zahir spanked her ass and pumped into her.

“Nah. None of that. Speed up and bounce on this dick.”

Sovanna didn’t want to do that. She was controlling the pace, and it felt too good. The view, her tight pussy swallowing him, was fucking ridiculous, so Zahir let her ride out. His name looked so good as she took him, he made a mental reminder to ask her if she would ever get it tatted. He wanted it right there on her lower back. Lowering his body, Zahir got in the perfect position to give her strokes so lethal that Sovanna almost flew off of his lap. Thankfully, she was gripping the chair like he warned her.

“Oh, my gosh! Zahiiiir,” she screamed as he pounded her pussy.

All he could do was grunt as she fucked him back. Standing up, Zahir gripped the back of the chair, folding Sovanna’s body into it. Her head was pressed against the back of it so awkwardly she knew she would have a crook in her neck in the morning. But she didn’t even care. The way Zahir was straight standing up in her pussy, pounded her walls like he had a point to prove, she’d take being sore over not having him inside her. Crooked neck and sweated-out hair and all.

“Ooooh, fuck me!” she moaned loudly.

The chair scraped against the concrete, and he did just as she asked. When her muscles contracted around him, Zahir’s head fell back.

“Fuuuck,” he huffed, squeezing her waist.

Lifting her body, Sovanna repositioned herself. Spreading her legs wide, she fucked him with enthusiasm. The echoes of their skin slapping sounded lovely in the night atmosphere, and the residents of nearby homes were more than likely getting an earful. She pushed her ass back into him, and Zahir wrapped an arm around her breast, pinching her left nipple.

“You creaming all over my dick, baby,” Zahir groaned hoarsely.

His thrusts had Sovanna floating. Eyes rolling, her body shuddered as he thumbed her clit. They were fucking like they had all the time in the world. Heavy breathing, pleased moans, and hissed cursed words floated in the air. She trembled in his embrace as she came, digging her nails into the arm he had nestled between her thighs.

“Ugh, yes! Yes!”

Her shouts made Zahir pick up the pace, fucking her harder. He hit an angle that made Sovanna scream so loudly that he had to cover her mouth.

Chuckling lowly, he whispered against her ear, “I know, baby doll. This dick feel good to you?”

Her head bobbed eagerly, and Zahir kept stroking.

“You gon’ make me nut all in this shit, too. That’s what you want?” He removed his hand from her mouth to hear her answer.

“Yessss. Nut in me, please.

Her confident plea, as if she knew he’d give her whatever she asked for, was music to Zahir’s ears. He pumped into her, low eyes watching his name bounce with each stroke. The grip he had on her dress tightened as he came, leaving not a drop behind. Sovanna twirled her hips and squeezed her walls with a satisfied smirk. Zahir spanked her left ass cheek, then the right one, and blew out a deep breath while still jerking inside her. When he finally finished, he slowly pulled out and licked his lips.

“You look good as hell like this,” Zahir praised, watching his nut drip from her pussy.

Sovanna glanced back at him. “Take a picture. I want to see how I look.”

“Like we about to skip dinner and go home.”

Zahir was so serious. He’d have the chef pack up all their food and do the dash back to the crib. Grabbing his phone, he opened the camera app and snapped a picture before recording. He made sure to capture his glistening diamond name as well. When she contracted her muscles, pushing more of his nut out while twerking, Zahir shivered.

“Yeah... you a freak, baby doll,” he surmised.

“Mhm. But you knew that the moment you met me.”

Zahir smiled. “And what a moment it was.”

Leerah & Cree

“Where’d you say y’all were going again?” Sovanna questioned on FaceTime.

In the passenger seat of Cree’s car, Leerah glanced his way. “I don’t know, girl. He wouldn’t tell me.”

Cree looked to his right. “Because you and I are still working on you allowing me to do things for you without you questioning me. So, no. I ain’t tell her anything, Vanna.”

Leerah playfully rolled her eyes. Cree didn’t just say that she was still working on it, but he was as well. She’d let her guard down a lot over the past year, and it hadn’t been easy, but she was trying. Cree may have been exaggerating a bit, but he knew if he told her where they were headed, Leerah would’ve had a million and one questions. As her man, Cree wanted her to follow his lead because he’d never guide her in the wrong direction. But he also knew when to let her be on her independent shit, and he loved that, too. Just not as much as he loved taking care of her.   

“Oop,” Sovanna quipped, smirking at the camera. “I guess he told you.”

“Mhm, whatever. It’s been a minute since I asked you why,” Leerah told him.

Without looking at her, Cree grabbed her hand and kissed her knuckles. He was so smooth and charming; it made Leerah’s chest tighten and body warm.

“I know, Princess. And that’s why you deserve what I’m about to give you.”

Leerah licked her lips and eyed his side profile. Cree was so damn fine that it made no sense. The subtle flex of his chiseled jaw, his prominent Adam’s apple, those plush dark lips, glowing rich brown complexion, and gentle eyes made Leerah weak. She hoped whatever he was about to give her came with an orgasm because staring at him had her horny as hell.

“Um, whatever he’s about to give you, I don’t think I need to be on the phone to hear,” Sovanna said, snapping Leerah out of her daze.

“Girl.” Leerah laughed. “Get your head out of the gutter. I’ll call you when I make it back home.”

“Okay. Where’s my baby?” Sovanna questioned, talking about Landon.

“He’s with Zola. We went to pick him up and he threw a fit. I just let him stay with her,” Leerah said, shaking her head.

Zola, Zahir’s mama, was Landon’s grandmother, even though Terrance wasn’t her son. He and Zahir were brothers through their father, Vince, but that didn’t stop Zola from treating Terrance like she birthed him or from calling Leerah for Landon. He’d always know what it felt like to be loved because he came from a blended family who exuded nothing but it.

“As you should’ve,” Sovanna chuckled. “Well, I guess call me later. If I don’t answer, it’s because I fell asleep.”

Leerah squinted. “Didn’t you just wake up?”

“Yes,” Sovanna said, yawning. “And I’m going right back to sleep. I’m tired as hell.”

“Hmm. Okay, girl. Get your beauty rest, then. Love you.”

Sovanna yawned again, saying love you too, and they hung up. Leerah locked her phone and looked at Cree.

“What you looking like that for?” He asked.

“She’s been sleeping a lot lately. That’s... weird.”

Cree shrugged. “Maybe she’s just tired.”

Leerah had a feeling that wasn’t the case but wouldn’t jump to conclusions. Before she could let her mind venture too far as to why her best friend couldn’t stay her ass awake, her attention was pulled toward the neighborhood they were pulling into. Leerah’s brows dented, but she didn’t ask the question sitting on the tip of her tongue. Cree maneuvered through the luxury neighborhood like he’d visited it several times.

It was mid-evening, and Leerah was surprised to see the kids outside on scooters and bikes, drawing with chalk on the sidewalks, and some even playing basketball in one of the driveways. She smiled and waved back when a Black woman waved at them before they pulled into a driveway. The three-car garage, wrap-around porch, and perfectly manicured lawn had her wondering who lived there.

Parking, Cree looked over at her, meeting her curious eyes. He smirked, appreciating the restraint she was displaying.

“You know I love you, right,” he began.

Leerah nodded, feeling her chest begin to heave. He hadn’t even said much, but that was enough to accelerate the beat of her heart.

“Yes,” she answered lowly.

“And I always want to see you happy. Whatever the entails and I can provide, you know I’ma make it happen.”

She nodded again. “Mhm.”

“So, thank you for allowing me to do that for you, baby. I know it hasn’t been easy, but loving you is. Being your man and giving you everything your heart desires makes my days. Seeing you be a mother to Lando and still make time for your friends and family, working and being a damn good woman to me all with a smile, when I know some days it’s rough, makes me want to ease all your worries and pain. Don’t start crying,” he chuckled as she poked her bottom lip out. Leaning her way, Cree kissed her lips once, twice, then thrice for good measure.

“Cree,” Leerah said, sniffling. “What’d you do?”

He smirked. “You’ve been fussing about needing more space, and once your lease was up, you planned on getting a bigger place. Well, this is it.”

Her head swiveled to the home's front door before she looked around the yard for any indication that it was up for sale. When she didn’t see a sign, she focused on him.

“I did say that, but upgrade to this? I know the rent is ridiculous,” Leerah assumed.

“The rent? Princess, you own this home.”

Her mouth opened and closed, and her eyes darted to the front of the home again. In disbelief, Leerah unclicked her seat belt.

“Shut up,” she whispered. Cree only gave her a handsome grin. “Cree!”

“Why are you hollering?” He chuckled.

“Because! You bought us a house? Are you moving with us?”

Cree nodded. “No other place I’d rather be.”

Emotions high, Leerah climbed from her seat into his and straddled his lap. She kissed his lips and peppered his face with so many kisses Cree couldn’t do anything but take them all. Then, she hugged him as if she never wanted to lose him. And she didn’t. Not again.

“Babe,” she blubbered, crying into the crook of his neck.

Cree rubbed her back. “Yes?”

Her chest hiccupped as she tried gathering her words. So much bad had happened in her life over the last year and a half, but Cree’s return made it all manageable. He was her good thing, and he kept on getting better. She thought he’d outdone himself by paying off her student loans, which was still the best surprise ever. But purchasing her a home? A place where they could continue growing their own? Leerah was ready for him to put a baby in her right now. Fuck waiting.

The kicker was that Cree had chosen the perfect home. He’d done his research. Listening to her describe the type of house she liked, the neighborhood it needed to be in, how many bedrooms, and what school district she wanted Landon in all came in handy. It’d taken him months to agree with one his realtor presented, but it was all with it for this moment right here. Leerah was in love with the outside, but she had no idea how the inside was about to blow her away. The fact that the home had never been lived in was an extra bonus.

“You really love me,” Leerah mumbled.

“With all my fucking heart, Princess. You just realizing that?”

Leerah lifted her head and shook it. “No. I’m just basking in it all.” She ran her fingers through his beard. “This is where you were that day I checked your location.”

“Yes,” he answered, licking his lips.  

She didn’t do it often and never really had to check his location. But she did a few weeks ago. Landon was running a fever, and she had to rush him to urgent care because it wouldn’t break. Cree had left his personal phone in the car, and she pulled up his location. Leerah didn’t jump to any conclusions, but she didn’t appreciate how he brushed his whereabouts off as handling business. Now, she knew that he really was. She wasn’t insecure in the slightest and trusted Cree with her entire heart, but when it came to her baby, Leerah played no games.

“And I was ready to spazz on you,” she chuckled. “I’m sorry.”

“You already apologized, but I’ll accept it again.”

Leerah hugged his neck. They shared a soul-stirring kiss that had her moaning into his mouth and grinding on his lap. “I love you so much. I swear.”

“Love me enough to come see our crib and not give the neighbors a show?” Cree teased.

“This my damn house. I’ll pull that dick out right now.”

His head went back as he laughed from his gut. Only Leerah. She kissed his Adam’s apple, and he gripped her ass.

“You better stop. You know how I get,” Cree warned.

She kissed his neck again before moving back to her seat. “You better be lucky I want to have a cordial relationship with the neighbors, or they’d know your name before you can even introduce yourself.”

Chuckling, Cree shook his head but knew she meant that. Before they got out, he wanted to let her know something.

“Princess,” he said, grabbing her attention.


“If you feel like I’m ever doing too much, tell me, a’ight? I be serious about taking care of you and Landon, but if you ever feel like I need to tone it down some more, tell me.”

Leerah nodded. “I will, but it’ll never happen. You’re my man, right?”

He chucked his head upward.

“So, I’ma let you take care of me however you see fit. Isn’t that what you always wanted?”

“I wanted you happy and flourishing into the fine-ass woman you are right now,” Cree answered and smiled. “But yeah... it’s always what I wanted. I want something else, too, but we can discuss that later on.”

He climbed out of the SUV without giving her a chance to respond, and Leerah shuddered. She didn’t know what he had in mind for later, but she was all for it. The way he came through and provided with ease, leaving her no room to stress about anything he could handle made Leerah love him so much more. A thoughtful man deserved it all. Cree didn’t only care about her well-being but also about Landon’s. At the end of the day, he vowed to always be there for them, and it wouldn’t change anytime soon.


Leerah wasn’t sure if she was still dreaming, but it felt like it. The warm breath against her neck, the hand gripping her love handles, and the erection against her backside pulled her from a deep sleep. She didn’t move an inch, loving how Cree’s muscular chest and heated body felt snuggling hers.

“Princess,” Cree whispered in her ear. He cupped a breast in his hand, squeezing a nipple. “I know you’re awake.”

He kissed her neck, and Leerah squirmed.

“Mmm,” she moaned as the head of his dick slid between her thighs, sliding back and forth against nether lips. She was turned on already, making it easy for Cree to lift her leg and slide inside her. He tossed the covers off of them as he stroked her slowly. Leerah kept her eyes closed as Cree flexed his hips, trying to ease every inch inside of her. She was so tight her pussy restricted access, but only for a few tries.

“Yeah,” Cree groaned when she became wetter, and he slid in deeper. “There she goes. That pussy opening up for daddy.”

Leerah gasped and lifted her leg higher. When Cree stroked her at an angle that had her gripping the sheets for dear life, she bit into the pillow to stop from screaming. Landon was in his room, and hopefully still asleep, but it was as if he knew when to interrupt them. So, these slow, early morning sessions had become Leerah’s favorite. Seemingly, Cree’s as well as he pounded into her. Her ass wobbled as he gripped her waist.

“C-Cree, I’ma come baby,” Leerah whined, confused by how she was already there.

He pulled her back to his chest. Pushing her leg higher, his fingers strummed her clit. In and out, he gave her nothing but straight pipe. Their skin clapped, bouncing off the walls just as the sunbeams did. Their heavy pants, Cree’s groans, and Leerah’s whimpers were the best soundtrack. Her eyes rolled as her orgasm hit, giving her no time to prepare. A loud moan commenced to escape her mouth, but Cree silenced her with his. Sliding his tongue in her mouth, he slowly stroked her, making Leerah tremble, and her pussy tightened around him.  

“Ooooh, right there,” she cried, pulling away from his lips. “Oh my gosh!”

“Wake my son up with all that screaming and see what happens,” Cree whispered in her ear before sucking on her neck.

Leerah bit into her bottom lip. The last thing she wanted Cree to do was stop fucking her. She’d really cry then. Knowing just what to do to get him to bust, Leerah opened her eyes. Angling her head, she wrapped an arm around his neck.

“Mmm, fuck me,” she moaned, and Cree’s nostrils flared.

He tapped at her g-spot, and she choked on a moan while shaking her head.

“No, what, huh?” Cree asked, not letting up. “You better wet this dick up, Princess. Fuck these sheets.”

Cree knew why she was saying no without her uttering a word. Leerah was so tired of changing her bed linen because he’d turned her into a damn water hydrant. Since he wanted to go deep diving this morning, she was going to make sure he changed the bed and lay in the wet spot. Cree had no problem with that at all. Pulling out some, he re-entered her fully.

“I love you,” he expressed.

Leerah gasped. “I love you tooooo.”

“Come for me again. Let me feel it.”

His thumb massaged her clit, and Leerah squeezed her eyes shut. Her mouth fell open, and Cree’s eyes fluttered. Seeing her come undone, looking every bit of pleased and creaming his dick was a sight he’d never get tired of. His dick twitched, and she looked at him. Leerah was about to give him the green light to release inside her, but the sound of the door being pushed open and Landon’s sippy cup banging against it halted all movements. Cree pulled the cover over them as Landon stood at the side of their bed with his onesie undone and du-rag hanging off his head.  

“Damn,” Cree grumbled.

Leerah snickered. “Good morning, baby.”

He rubbed his eyes, holding his cup out. “Cree, juice.”

“How about we brush our teeth and eat breakfast? Then you can get some juice,” Leerah offered.

Landon blinked twice and shook his head. “No. Cree,” he whined, holding his cup out.  

“Baby, come on. You know I can’t get up right now,” Cree whispered in her ear. He knew Landon couldn’t see him, but he knew he was there.

Sliding out of her, Cree shivered at their departure and lightly spanked her ass. “You wrong.”

She puckered her lips for a kiss that he obliged to before sliding out the bed and slipping on some shorts nearby.

“I’ll make it up to you,” Leerah said, grinning.

She was thoroughly fucked and didn’t have to worry about fixing breakfast because she knew that’s exactly what those two were about to make.

“I know you will. Lando,” Cree sang. Landon’s face lit up. “What’s up? Good morning, man. You cockblocking again.”

He just laughed, holding his cup out. “Sup.”

Leerah grinned.

“You want pancakes or waffles today?” Cree asked as if he could answer.

Whatever mumbled mess of words he said was good enough for Cree as he continued carrying on their conversation into the bathroom. He washed his hands, and Landon stood right beside him before Cree lifted him onto the sink. Together, they brushed their teeth and washed their face. Leerah’s eyes watered as they conversed, and she closed her eyes.

“Lord, thank you for my man. You truly did your big one with him,” she said, beyond grateful. She continued her morning prayers.

“Look at you,” Cree teased. “Sleep already.”

Her eyes peeled open. “Actually, I was praying, and you interrupted me.”

“Oh, my fault. Come on, Lando. Let Mommy get back to it. We gon’ need all of those prayers when your brother or sister gets here.”

Leerah shot up in the bed. “You said what?”

Cree looked over his shoulder and smirked. “Vanna’s sleep schedule ain’t the one you need to be worried about.”

“I’m...I’m not pregnant,” she mumbled.

“Not yet.”

Cree walked out of their bedroom, leaving her deep in her thoughts. Laughing, Leerah laid back down in the bed. She wouldn’t mind giving Landon another sibling. She’d been against having more kids because of the situation with Terrance, but that was a thing of the past. With Cree, she knew what they had was forever. It always had been.

Leerah stayed in bed for a bit longer, listening to them in the kitchen while she checked her phone. Getting on Instagram, she was about to check her notifications, but the first post to pop up made her wait. Her eyes widened, and a sad smile, even though she was happy, graced her face. Saleem hardly posted on his social media if it didn’t pertain to his business. Here lately, since he and Amira got back together, he had been posting more, especially of them.

The post showed a picture of them in the mirror, Saleem’s hands palming Amira’s round belly from behind. Their smiles were as bright as their wedding rings, which were also on display. The caption made her swoon even more.

My wife, my life, and our creation. We’re beyond blessed.

Leerah could feel their love on the screen and didn’t hesitate to double-tap the post. Then, she commented. Things had been weird between all of them, but Saleem had stayed out of it. There was no love lost, though, and she meant that. Still, she was saddened to find out about her friend’s pregnancy through social media. Leerah understood why she hadn’t been told, though. That didn’t mean she was okay with it.

Now, this is how you pop out and show niggas! 👏🏾🥰 Look at the smile on my girl’s face and her lil’ belly! I’m so happy for y’all. Congratulations! 🥹♥

Leerah read through a few of the comments and saw Amira responding to a few people. Saleem had posted the picture and hadn’t been back on since, so she was thanking everyone for the love. A notification popped up on her screen, indicating a new comment, and Leerah saw it was from Amira. She responded to her comment.

Thank you Leerah 😘🥺

Leerah liked her comment and felt the urge to send her message. This mess between them was so stupid, but Leerah was grown enough to realize that they were both in the wrong. Amira had been straight up ignoring them, especially after she let it be known how she felt about Nae running her mouth about her marriage to her and Sovanna.

Leerah didn’t think Nae was trying to be messy at first but later realized she was. Bringing drama into their friend group had Leerah pissed at Nae and shut all conversation down about anything pertaining to Amira and their marriage.

“Girl, let me tell you what Brandi—”

Leerah cut her off. “I know we’re friends, and we gossip here and there, but I’m not about to let you disrespect my girl or her man,” Leerah told Nae one evening.

Nae frowned. “Disrespect her how? I was just letting you know what I was told.”

“But that’s none of your business, and it’s not Brandi’s either. So, what she used to fuck on Saleem. That man is married now.”

“Damn. Okay. I guess what I was about to say doesn’t matter then.”

Leerah shook her head. “Nah, it doesn’t. Especially if you were trying to be messy. You know Amira is me and Sovanna’s friend. We’d never let you or anyone else sit in our faces and talk slick about her. We’d never let anyone bash your name, and I hope you’d do the same behind us.”

“Of course, I would. I don’t know her like that, but I know y’all do, so I was just trying to relay a message,” Nae shrugged.

“There isn’t a message that needs to be relayed unless it’s detrimental to their relationship. Whatever that hoe Brandi is telling you is out of jealousy ‘cause she lost her nigga. For real, he was never hers, but okay,” Leerah said, chuckling. “All I’m saying is, don’t come to me about my friend on some messy shit because I’m not with that. Her marriage ain’t even something you or anyone else should be worried about, honestly.”

Nae nodded. “You right. I was feeding into it, just soaking up the tea, which really was nothing. That was wrong of me. I won’t bring her name up again.”

“Good. Now, what else has been going on?”

Leerah had moved the conversation right along, but the damage had already been done. She was glad Nae had taken some accountability, though. Amira was still in a foul mood about it all, but seeing Leerah’s comment put her in her feelings. She missed her girls, but she’d been practicing her boundaries, especially with her being pregnant. Leerah’s one comment had made her wall crumble, and before Leerah could send her a message, Amira sent her one first.

Amira: Hey. I know I haven’t been responding to y’all and not acting like an adult, but I was hoping we could hash things out. I miss y’all and just want to see y’all in person.

Surprisingly, Sovanna was the first to respond.

Sovanna: Treating us like the opps is so crazy lol. Of course, we can hash things out. What y’all doing today?

Amira: Y’all were! Lol!

Amira: I was going shopping in a few hours.

Leerah: A hoe gets married and pregnant and wants to mend things ‘cause she in them feelings. Too late! 😅

Amira: Bye then! Lol. You the one all under my man’s pictures being sad. I should’ve blocked you.

Leerah: Blocked me is ridiculous. I would’ve pulled up to that crib so fast. 😂

Sovanna: Sooo, are we linking or not before I make plans.

Amira: It’s up to y’all. I really do miss y’all.

Leerah: I miss you too. I can’t believe you’re pregnant and didn’t tell us.

Amira: Was protecting my peace... you know how that goes.

Leerah most certainly did, so she didn’t fault Amira at all. If anything, she would’ve been on the same type of time but communicated better. Everyone wasn’t the same, though. People handled situations differently and Leerah knew firsthand what it was like for someone to try and play in her face. She dealt with enough dealing with Terrance’s mama’s side of the family. She still owed his aunt Vee an ass-whooping with her no-part, horrible wig-wearing ass.

With plans to grab lunch and then hit the mall, Leerah climbed out of bed and headed to the bathroom. She’d lost enough people in her life and wasn’t trying to lose another over some bullshit. Not all friendships were meant to last forever, and Leerah knew the spiel about seasons and people changing, but this wasn’t one she believed couldn’t. She hoped Amira was open to hearing them out.


The girl’s day scene, plus Saleem and Amira’s bonus scene, will be posted once Fate of Our Future reaches a certain number of reviews. Don't forget to leave a comment. I hope you enjoyed it. Thank you! 

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Seeing Cree and Zahir continuously show up and show out makes me swoon. The bonus makes me love the couples more.


This bonus made me love Zahir and Cree more. I love when our black queens are loved properly and needed this update!


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